Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based approach that works with aspects of our personality within our mental system. Have you even noticed when someone pushes your buttons your personality changes? It is almost like we become a different person. It may be easier to notice this in other people. Have you ever noticed friends or family members may be friendly and loving sometimes but other times they act irrationally and seem to lose the ability to reason? Later, you notice another aspect of his or her personality that feels badly and may apologize. We all have different aspects of ourselves – fun loving, caretakers, thinkers, trapped parts, angry critics, get the job done parts, some that act out and others that feel guilty about this behavior. It’s as if we have a team inside of us that argues with each other about how to handle life situations. Have you ever noticed these inner conflicts within yourself? Do you ever act in ways that your mature self regrets? Maybe later, when you feel more like yourself, you wonder why you over reacted. These aspects of ourselves are often in conflict with each other and with our core Self. Our higher Self is described as curious, confident, and compassionate, creative, calm, connected and courageous and knows how to handle life’s challenges. The Self is the whole person that is at the core of every individual. IFS focuses on healing the wounded parts and restoring mental balance and harmony by changing the dynamics that create discord among these aspects of ourselves. IFS also strengthens our consciousness to our higher (spiritual) Self to lead our lives in more satisfying ways.

IFS incorporates feeling body sensations to identify and understand the specific aspects of self that make up your internal mental system. Once we identify these parts, we listen and acknowledge our individual part's needs and help them to unburden suppressed emotions and beliefs that no longer serve them. When the Self makes contact with wounded parts, healing can take place. The Self can listen to each part, ask what they need and assist them to unburden old belief patterns and painful emotions. This makes room for new healthy and fresh ways of seeing the world (from a higher perspective).
We start by getting to know your parts. We encourage them to speak freely without fear of being shamed, criticized, or given advice. We find out what made the parts take on their jobs and what causes them to get activated. We listen to the parts describe what it's like for them to have to do their job and what are they afraid would happen if they stop doing it. We invite Self to feel compassion toward the parts and make sure the part can feel it. We then find out what does the part need from Self when it feels the need to take over the mind and body. We teach you how to be mindful of when the parts are taking over and how to invite Self in so the parts are no longer stuck in their job.
I use a combination of proven techniques to help you get yourself into a more calm, loving, playful lifestyle. These techniques include Internal Family Systems, Trauma-Informed Mindful-Based practice, and Attachment principals coupled with core fundamentals of Spirituality. I also use parts mapping to better understand the firing sequence in which your parts are interconnected. Through mapping, you can begin to recognize for the first time, how your physiological system operates. This understanding allows you to be aware of when the patterns are emerging which enables you to intervene and change the neural pathways through repetition of experience.